Friday, June 24, 2011

So ready for fun!

The Biochem final was today and over with now! :]
I think I did well enough on it. I realize that even though I semi-slacked with this class, Biochem is definitely the right major for me! I actually understood the processes and have seen all of this before!! (although to a greatly reduced extent). Biology, Biotechnology, Organic Chem, and Job shadowing... thank you for providing me with such a background! x]

Anyways, although biochemistry is great and all, I am soooo ready for some fun!! I'm thinking a BBQ pool party anyone!?

= Mhmm.... :Q___

SO Ready for this!!! And Tomorrow is Bubble Tea + a new cooking adventure! Hahaha. Will definitely take some pics and show you all. :]
Only 2 more weeks of school and then MORE fun!!! Vacation planning starts now!!! Where to I wonder? Las Vegas? A Cruise? Cancun!? Only time will tell~~~ x]

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Testing

Above is my energy source for now xQ___
This summer is a bit different than my usual ones. Usually it's just sitcoms, doramas, games, movies, and more tv for me. However, after starting my first year of actual college, I felt that I was behind the schedule I had set out for myself, thus immediate action to correct it had to be taken. I enrolled in Biochemistry and Quantitative Analysis for this summer. But of course leaving room towards the end (specifically after July 8th) to do my usual plan + vacation ;o
Even though summer classes seems to be a good idea so far, unfortunately I must say that I am not at the top of my game. Oh I long for the joys of a normal summer all the time~~! But at the same time I'm glad I did it because I feel like I'm actually doing something productive! (Well actually my other summers often did include some kind of high school internship or competition in it as well so I was semi-productive~~~ but it's not the same as having to study all the time lol!)
Worst part so far is.... ALL of my tests so far have all been on the same day T_T
However this week is a little different!
Instead this time I have Quant today (Thursday) and my Final for Biochem tomorrow! Somewhat better but still quite dreadful. I must ace both of these tests! It's not simply a desire, it is a must!!!
Biochem will soon end (yay!) but Quant will go on. It is imperative that I get As in both of these classes to reach my ultimate goal when I graduate- summa magna cumlaude x] 
Do I need it? Not necessarily. But then again.... YES!
So.... my quant test is in less than 2 hours.... and I'm writing on this blog. LOL!
Okay, wish me luck! And good luck with all of your future endeavors as well! :]

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Post

Hello World!
Yes I did just start this off with the most generic type of first post opening on purpose :]
I hope the world (or at least whoever views this little, simple blog) can enjoy whatever I may offer. This blog is about a sneak peak into my world and whatever piques my interests ;o ...or whatever I want to share to help bring a smile to someone's face. It's the little things that give life it's sweetness after all, which I might add that I am a sweet-tooth and dessert posts will most likely become commonplace here. Speaking of which, this is why I added a pic of the sweet treat I am enjoying right now to end this post :]